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Sabato 6 Settembre 2014 – Saremo Ospiti per una Demo nelle bellissime sale di Centro Cultura Musicale a Palermo.

Saranno presenti i Diffusori Diesis Caput Mundi – Amplificatore Evento 20-11 e Lettore Music Server Diesis Tevere con quest’ultimo sarà possibile ascoltare ogni tipo di formato digitale anche File DSD/DXD.

Un Grazie a Sebastiano e a Presto.

Saturday, September 6, 2014 – We are invited to a demonstration in the beautiful halls of the Cultural Center of Music in Palermo (Sicily).
The Speakers Caput Mundi – Amplifier 20-11 Event and the Music Player Server Diesis Tevere with DSD/DXD files.
Thank you to Sebastiano, see you soon.

Samedi 6 septembre 2014 – Nous sommes invités pour une démonstration dans les belles salles du Centre de Culture de musique à Palerme(Sicile).

Haut-parleurs Caput Mundi – Amplificateur 20-11 Evento – Lecteur Musique Serveur Diesis Tevere avec fichiers DSD/DXD.

Merci à Sebastiano, a bientôt.


DiesisAudio® Staff – Copyright © 2014 all rights reserved

Links:Centro Cultura Musicale Palermo

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Legal Notes & Copyright: The images in the article were in part collected in network and published pursuant to art. 70 bis, paragraph 1 and Article. 101, paragraph 1 of Law No. 633 22/04/1941 The images, in accordance with the copyright, are low resolution, however, if the owner or the copyright holder deems it inappropriate to use, the same will be immediately removed upon simple request. The names of other products or companies mentioned may be trademarks and service of others. All rights are reserved for them.