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Anche quest’anno e per il quarto anno consecutivo Diesis Audio® parteciperà  al Munich High End che si terrà a Monaco di baviera  dal 15 al 18 Maggio 2014.
L’Hi-End di Monaco rappresenta il più importante appuntamento di riferimento in Europa per prodotti e soluzioni del settore audio di alta qualità.
Tutti i diffusori e le elettroniche della gamma Diesis Audio® saranno in mostra nella Hall 3 – Stand J/14.
Veniteci a trovare numerosi… non ve ne pentirete!!

Also this year and for the fourth year in a row Diesis Audio® attend the Munich High End which will be held in Monaco of Bavaria, from 15 to 18 May 2014.
The Hi-End of Monaco is the most important point of reference in Europe for products and solutions of High Fidelity system.
All speakers and electronics in the range Diesis Audio® will be on exhibition into the Hall 3 – Stand J/14.
Join the crowd … you will not regret!

by Staff Diesis Audio ®
Copyright © 2014 – all rights reserved –


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Legal Notes & Copyright: The images in the article were in part collected in network and published pursuant to art. 70 bis, paragraph 1 and Article. 101, paragraph 1 of Law No. 633 22/04/1941 The images, in accordance with the copyright, are low resolution, however, if the owner or the copyright holder deems it inappropriate to use, the same will be immediately removed upon simple request. The names of other products or companies mentioned may be trademarks and service of others. All rights are reserved for them.